Question: “If you could have dinner with any person, who would it be?”

Aristotle, Socrates or Plato? Thomas Jefferson or Ben Franklin or both? I might choose Paul McCartney or Brad Pitt, though I’d likely be tongue-tied when seated across from either. Once I met Robert Redford in the ski shop at his Utah resort, Sundance. He strode into the gift shop where I hovered, looked straight at me, and said “Hey”, with a broad smile. My reply was frozen inside me along with my request for an autograph or shake of his warm hand.

Tonight I feel blessed to dine with ‘the best man alive’, my husband of __ years, closing in on 50, the golden one. He is my golden one, with looks that rival Brad Pitt or Redford. We live with abundant joy and laughter – and a strong sense of adventure.  All fifty states and nearly fifty countries – what a travel list! We live with excellence and flair –

We thrive day-to-day by not dwelling on pain or problems or blame. Neither takes themself seriously, though we can be serious when a situation calls for it. Our opinions seldom collide. Our relationship is not a battleground. We feel fortunate to have shared values, goals, wishes, and dreams. I’d do anything to help him and I know he’d do the same for me. It’s quite grand to live in a mutual admiration society.

It’s wonderful to feel blessed rather than stressed.

Tonight we’ll dine with excellence and flair. A favorite Italian restaurant is our destination. Now that summer is here, we can dine on the restaurant’s ocean-adjacent patio – with our wonderful rescue dog we’ve cherished for nearly a year. He sparked our life!

Our three-member family has excellence and flair – and lots of love.